

LAVC Opportunity Guidance Success Logo


Los Angeles Valley College fosters an equity-minded, 尊重, and empathetic community, 对所有学习者开放. We provide proactive guidance and support so our students can achieve their personal goals 包括 completion of certificates, 准度, and transfer requirements.


Equity, 包容, and Respect

Los Angeles Valley College fosters a 尊重 and empathetic community, 对所有学习者开放. We nurture and support diversity by offering extensive resources and pathways within an engaging, 充满活力的, 不断发展的校园. Our focus on equity and inclusion will ensure the needs of our disproportionately impacted students are met and that our students feel valued and connected to the college community.

Student Growth through Focused and Directed Teaching and Learning

The college creates a student-centered environment that offers a broad range of academic and career pathways and services in an atmosphere of academic freedom and collaboration. To ensure all students can complete their educational and lifelong learning goals, the college removes structural barriers and guides students’ growth by emphasizing equitable and culturally responsive teaching and learning.

Social Justice and Equitable Financial Distribution

As an institution dedicated to first generation and low-income college students, we strive to efficiently provide equitable financial and technological access to resources to support institutional effectiveness in a responsible manner for our historically underserved student populations. We are committed to the advancement of environmental and social justice and racial equity through awareness and education within the community.


Los Angeles Valley College inspires, 教育, and enriches our diverse community, developing critical and creative thinkers, and lifelong learners.

* Approved by LACCD Board of Trustees September 7, 2022.